Do you want to read the actual manuals or specs for Apple products? You can now easily find them on Apple’s new Documentation website. |
Want to see all your upcoming events in a list in Apple’s Calendar app on the Mac? It doesn’t have a built-in list view, but there’s a workaround.
You can go for weeks or months without restarting your Mac, but it’s a good idea to restart more frequently to increase security, avoid or resolve problems, get updates, and generally clear your Mac’s decks. |
Tips for Working with Mac Display Resolutions
Did you know Apple’s Podcasts app now includes written transcripts? Our tip helps you view the text while you listen, use it to navigate within the audio, search for specific bits, and more. |
One of the best parts of Apple’s tight platform integration is that you can view your text messages on all your devices. Or at least you can if you get everything set correctly. |
Use your Mac's reference library. |
Locate a Featured Lock Screen Image in Photos
Apple has announced 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models based on the M3 chip. Along with faster performance, they can drive two external displays when the MacBook Air’s lid is closed. |
If your Mac’s menu bar is a mess, you can use the Command key to rearrange the icons and remove those you never use. |