MAMP.gifIf you do website design and development on a Mac, this is one of those tips you should love. Everyone else can skip this one (Don’t worry we’ll be back with something else for you next week).

PHP and MySQL features don’t come enabled on the built-in OS X web server. It’s possible to access those features with some command-line gymnastics. But we have a MUCH easier way.

MAMP is a free standalone web server you can download and run in minutes. Run this application and push “Start Servers” and you are running a test web server on your Mac with PHP and MySQL services already configured.

MAMP: One-click-solution for your personal webserver.

MAMP stands for: Macintosh, Apache, MySQL and PHP. These are the four main constituents you need to design and develop a full featured website or application on your Mac. Web developers, enjoy!Source: This tip came up while testing a prototype of our training calendar which uses some PHP scripts to identify different time zones (we hope to have that up in a couple weeks). I was getting ready to enable PHP the harder way when our own Kyle Pauley steered me towards MAMP. Thanks Kyle!