Who remembers the 80’s band, Breathe?

One of the original band members now owns a web development company, and has re-recorded their hit "Hands to Heaven" as a loving tribute to the perils of web development. If you are a web designer who was in school in the mid 80’s, this MP3 might hit a few chords for you:

Hands to Heaven: The CSS Edition.

Source: Marcus Lillington is now one of three founders of Headscape, a UK web design firm founded in 2002. Marcus co-hosts the boagworld.com podcast to whom this song is dedicated. Read the original article and some lyrics in the boagworld blog.

Here are some of the lyrics:

The supervisor rants. He says “This website’s pants! I want my clicks improved by Friday!”

I hit the URL. It’s like the bowels of hell. God give me strength. It’s just not my day.

So raise your hands to Boag and pray that we can fix this website today.

Tonight I need your CSS, coding in the darkness. From now on no more tables nest; you will meet web standards.

The source code makes me weep. There’s tables fifteen-deep. In Netscape 6 it looks like garbage.

The METAs say this turd was made with MS Word. With every click I find new carnage.

So raise your hands to Boag and pray that we can fix this website today.

Tonight I need your CSS, coding in the darkness. From now on no more tables nest; you will meet web standards.

I guess I’ll have to start from scratch – then I can kiss this piece of trash goodbye…