
The start of January is a good time to refocus on how to move your career forward over the upcoming year. 2009 presents a challenging landscape for today’s creative professional. Now is the time to focus on important tasks that will position yourself and your business for success over the coming year.

The Printable CEO series includes a marvelous collection of PDF forms that freelance designer David Seah developed several years ago to motivate and track his own business development activities. I highly recommend perusing the forms, and reading David’s excellent essays on the philosophy behind them.

The system includes a Concrete Goals Tracker (CGT) that helps focus on the strategic tasks that contribute to your business growth. Points reflect the relative importance of different tasks. You can easily score and track your weekly progress with fill-in bubbles.

While the task list here is focused on the needs of a freelance web designer, you can customize the form for your own unique focus using the Editable Version of the CGT.

Tip: There are also a couple specialized CGT forms that have been developed specifically for sales professionals, and service business owners. Most recently, David added a fun Network Catch-o-Matic form to support networking marketing efforts.

Source: I’m a big fan of David Seah’s work and writings over the years. We linked to his compact calendar in last year’s calendar templates tip (now updated for 2009).