Need a last minute gift for that special creative pro? How about a new computer? Some assembly (and a good exacto knife) will be required.
For this year’s holiday tip, your friendly left-brain team at Creativetechs has spent more time than we can justify tracking down templates for a wide variety of cut-out Macintosh computers. Browse through the list of available computers below. Each link will download a PDF template. Print out on card stock for best results.
Papercraft Macs: MacBook Air
Our first Macintosh papercraft project is fun, simple to build, and comes complete with it’s own parody TV ad.
We present the MacBook Paper: Truly, the world’s thinnest notebook.
Link: MacBook Paper PDF
Papercraft Macs: Mac Pro Workstation.
Link: Mac Pro Template PDF
Papercraft Macs: iMac Intel
Have a better iMac template, or know who the mysterious ErwinM is? Leave us a note in the comments for this post.
Link: iMac Intel Template PDF
Papercraft Cellphone: Fold an iPhone
Link: iPhone Template PDF
Papercraft CEO: Fold Your Own Steve Jobs.
Link: Steve Jobs Paper Toy PDF
Source: Toy-A-Day Blog via Gizmodo.
Papercraft Macs: Mac Models circa 2005.
Link: Power Mac G5
Link: iMac Flat Panel
Link: eMac
Link: PowerBook G4
Papercraft MP3 Players: Apple’s line of classic iPods.
Link: iPod Video
Link: iPod (click wheel version)
Link: iPod (original)
Link: iPod Mini
Link: iPod Shuffle
Link: iPod Stand (Works)
Papercraft Macs: A Collection of Legacy Mac Desktops.
Mac Plus (1986)
Mac SE/30 (1989)
Mac IIci (1989)
Mac Classic II (1991)
Mac LC II (1992)
Mac Color Classic (1993)
Mac LC 520 (1993)
Mac Quadra 840av (1993)
Power Mac 6100 (1994)
Performa 5200 (1995)
Performa 5420 Black Case (1996)
Power Mac 7600 (1996)
Performa 6400 (1996)
…plus a couple monitors to hook up to your paper Macs:
16-inch RGB Display (1996)
AppleVision 1710AV (1997)
Papercraft Macs: Legacy PowerBook Laptops.
PowerBook 100 (1991)
PowerBook Duo 250 w/ DuoDock (1993)
PowerBook 550c (1995)
Christmas Decoration: Paper Mac Christmas Ornaments.
Simple Mac Ornaments:
red, silver, green, gold, blue, black
Other Themes:
Faux Fur Mac
Mandelbrot Mac
Jellybean Mac
Banksy Mac
Warhol Mac
Postsecret Mac
TW Mac
Warning: The URL listed on these PDFs is no longer safe for work (quite offensive). For a historical look at what these Christmas orniments looked like years ago, visit an archive using the Internet Wayback Machine.
Video: Paper Mac Startup Screen
As an ending point for this collection, we offer this short video, showing what the operating system might look like on these paper Macs if you could get them to boot.
Source: These templates were compiled over many nights of Google searching over the years, and updated with further searching this month. Several of the sites originally hosting these files are no longer available. We’ve compiled this collection from a wide variety of sources. Most PDFs include the creator’s name in the layout. We apologize for any people not properly credited.