Seamless Onboarding and Offboarding

Employee turnover doesn’t have
to be a pain in the you-know-what.

We make your life easier by providing a consistent, structured process for onboarding and offboarding employees. New employees have exactly what they need on their first day on the job, and exiting employees’ devices and access points are sensitively and securely handled.


Onboarding new employees |
We make sure new employees have exactly what they need on their first day on the job. 
  • We set up new employees with the devices they need, loaded with the (properly licensed) applications they need.
  • We create the accounts a new employee needs, based on their role.
  • In a timely manner, we’ll train new employees on how to use their new goodies.
  • We’ll give new hires thorough security training, so they don’t do anything dumb.
  • We write everything down to make offboarding easy when the time comes.

O F  F  B O A R D I N G

Offboarding departing employees |
Device recovery from remote employees can be one of the biggest headaches associated with offboarding. Our seamless process makes it easy:
  • We’ll chat with your employee about the device return; you can worry about other things.
  • We send your employee a padded device box with all the packing materials and a return shipping label—everything they need to return the device.
  • You’ll know exactly what’s going on with the return process. You can see tracking information: when the packing materials arrive at the employee’s address, when they ship it out, and when it arrives back to us.
  • We’re available to you and the employee for any needed support during the return process.
We ensure the security of your company’s data through careful access management.
  • We cancel accounts and access points immediately.
  • We work with you to get all the data from devices, if required.
  • We wipe and reset devices for a new user.

E M P L O Y E E   T R A N S I T I O N I N G   R E S O U R C E S

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