P A R T N E R   S P O T L I G H T
Protect your workforce—big or small—with simple security, easy secret sharing, and actionable insight reports. | CreativeTechs.com

1Password makes it simple to create and share unique, strong passwords. More than 100,000 small and large companies, including 25 percent of Fortune 100 companies as well as technology leaders such as IBM, Slack and Dropbox, trust 1Password to secure their business.

Simplifies Security Operatons

1Password takes the guesswork out of password management, shadow IT, infrastructure, and secret sharing so together we keep your people safe and your business moving.

Recognize and Act on Risks

Working hand-in-hand with 1Password, we will streamline adoption and monitor usage for your employees. 1Password enables your team to manage and share credentials, and generate reports on important factors like poor password risk and reuse.

Secure Data Storage

Make the secure thing to do, the easy thing to do. We’ll help set up business password vaults to streamline credential management so your team uses and shares logins securely.

Compliance, Handled

  • Data encryption at rest and in transit
  • Audit security logs
  • Customizable access control policies
  • SOC2 Type 2 compliant
  • GDPR, CCPA compliant

Let’s work together to add 1Password
to a managed service plan for your business.